Challenge Yourself
Day 5 of our introspective prayer journey
Challenge yourself to always find time to continue to study and pray even after we are no longer doing this together. I am really enjoying meeting you guys here each day. For me the challenge is to be here writing daily. God has been urging me to do this consistently for quite some time now and as a matter of fact, I even started this blog and then posted sporadically for the last 2 yrs. They say it takes 3 days to break a habit and to start a new one you must do something consistently for 7 days. Hhhmmm I guess that’s why God made my first assignment this year be to meet you guys here for 7 days in a row with a prayer motivation. Isn’t it cool how He uses simple things to teach us lessons about ourselves? Transparent for His Glory!
Challenge yourself to become the best version of you possible. God created each of us to be totally unique individuals. Me being the best me will in turn encourage someone else to be the best they can be and them being their best encourages someone else and so on and so on. Because we are truly a handwoven tapestry of our Heavenly Father’s design. Isn’t that the coolest thing? I need you and you need me and together we can make this world a better place for someone else.
Challenge yourself to see the positive things in every situation. This one can get tricky I know. Life can make us want to just throw up our hands and scream sometimes but I have found that the most joyful people I know are really good at this one. I spoke to a lady one day who shared some infinite wisdom with me on this topic in a very brief conversation. She simply said “no matter what comes your way choose to smile and say Lord I know you’re in this situation because you said you would never leave me nor forsake me, So since you’re not a man that you should lie nor the son of man that you should repent I’m just going to smile and say all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord. Because I know I love you and your love for me is still greater than my mind can conceive.” I have to make an honest effort to smile and say this when things get rough but I promise you there’s enough scripture in that one little saying that if you truly are a believer something in your spirit has to agree. Joyful living is what I am seeking. What about you?
3 challenges sound like plenty of work to keep us focused. Today give thanks for grace to break bad habits and live victoriously in new ones. Giving thanks for everything reminds us how much we truly have to be grateful for.
Be led by the Holy Spirit today and study the scripture you’re being drawn to today. Write in your prayer journal about what giving thanks this week for everything has opened your eyes to. If you draw or paint do that express your thoughts creatively. You were designed to be unique.