Dear Louisville


Just in case you have forgotten and this constant violence shows you must have I am this little BABY who at one time Mommy and Daddy and Aunties and Uncles and Brothers and Sisters and Grandparents long awaited. For 9 long months someone somewhere anticipated my arrival. I know I know perhaps the scenario surrounding my arrival may or may not have been ideal but to someone somewhere I promise you I mattered! My family taught me to have goals dreams hopes and aspirations for a FUTURE you know that thing you just robbed me of with that senseless gunshot that took my life? They loved the way I walked, talked, laughed, danced, sang, played ball, ran, told jokes, when I was.... you know still ALIVE?! They were expecting me to show up for dinner on Thanksgiving and had even planned to buy me something for Christmas even if what they got me didn't mean much to you. I have a birthday that will forever be remembered by you know....the people who LOVE ME! I know this probably doesn't mean a thing to you at all but I have babies too just like the one in that picture above this post. They won't hear me laugh or tell them that I love them or read them a story or heck even snore when I am really tired cause you know......You shot me! Yea I know none of this matters to you cause if it did you'd find a better way to you know.......resolve your disagreements! Does this city care about it's people? No wait a minute the real question is do we the people care about our city? Let's get together and start addressing real issues you know like People dying daily at the hands of other people with guns. The violence we see now is the end result of a village too busy to raise it's own children! Dear Louisville KY let's make a difference this is our city!


So Tired Of Crying