Seeing past today
The winter storm that we experienced here in Louisville has me in my emotions. The last time we had snow that kept us indoors for a few days was in 1994. Back then I had a 4-month-old, a 5-year-old, an 8-year-old, and a 9-year-old. The core 4 were mere babies. I call them my core 4 because they’re the children that I grew up with. I started out a teen Mom determined to make my way in this life. Looking back on it I miss my crew being littles.
My oldest was a Brownie scout and I assisted as a co-leader. This particular weekend we had a sleepover at my house after an outing. BOY was I in for a surprise. We lived in an apartment, absolutely no one could leave because we awakened to 12 inches of snow outside! I was 27, extremely high strung, as my Doctor described me and trapped with 5 little 8 and 9 yr old girls along with my regular crew. What was I thinking? I soon discovered that cold weather snow and ice could be a rude awakening in the midst of an anxiety attack. Looking back on it I can laugh. I decided that I couldn’t stay in the house a moment longer with that many children and so I grabbed my coat and my boots and ran out the door! Not 2 minutes into my running away did I slip and ended up falling so hard that I literally laid there and thought about my life. I realized how truly blessed I was to have all of that joyful laughter in my nice warm house. Needless to say I got up and went inside and changed into some dry clothes.
I learned an important life lesson that day….
Nothing is ever as bad as it seems if you can just focus your thoughts on what you will do to get past this moment. Life is a constant series of choices and decisions. How will I make the rest of this day better? I laid there on that icy cold ground and reconsidered my attitude towards the number of children I had chosen to entertain overnight. Once I began to see past that stressful moment in time and created an activity that the children could participate in everybody’s problem was solved. The children were no longer bored and I was no longer stressed. I began to focus on baking cookies with my beautiful group of littles and one by one their parents began to arrive. All I had to do was relax and give my mind a chance to come up with an idea of something to do to get past the current moment.
See past today and find the solution to the problem you’re currently facing.
Isaiah 40:31 KJV But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.