Singing A New Song


2017 literally was yet another one of the roughest years of my life. Mommy's condition changed drastically. Migraines began to plague me almost incessantly from Dec of 2016 through March 2017. I missed my daughter like crazy. I suffered from chronic uncontrollable pain. I lost friends, associates, and even a couple of family members that I thought were here for the long haul. Then one morning during my personal worship time I heard my spiritual father’s voice singing and seconds later received a text saying he had gained his wings. It hit me hard! Then Mommy had a massive stroke on Father’s Day and transitioned from this life on July 5th. I thought I was ready but I found out there’s really no such thing. A few weeks later my son’s father a very dear friend of mine passed away as well. Before during and after those tumultuous weeks, I endured lies, betrayal, loss, abandonment in my own life. Still, I remained vigilant in praying for the lives of people affected by abuse, betrayal, loss, suicide, depression, homelessness, hurricanes, tropical storms, domestic terrorism, and still the same old nonsensical violence that is eating Louisville Ky alive. I almost gave up on this journey of blogging on more than one occasion this year. Then after my Mommy’s homegoing service during my unpredicted meltdown, I cried “who is going to sing to me now Mommy?” A beautiful friend of mine hugged me, held my hand, and promised me I would begin to hear and sing a new song. I bet she didn’t realize how at that moment I was truly clinging to every single word she spoke. Have you ever felt like no more?! I literally just can’t take one more thing..... I have learned that’s when the new song begins. I can honestly say each time I screamed “no more” in life a new level of faith is encountered, a new level of strength comes on me, and a fresh song rises up in my spirit. Yea they have always called me strange but then again who is this infamous “they?” Does their opinion of me and my journey even really matter? No! I started this journey because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has always loved me and He loves you too so much so that He wants you to know that being saved doesn’t mean you become perfect. We are all such flawed human beings in one way or another. None of that matters to Love Himself He wants you to draw closer to Him and find out that you are in the mirror yes I’m speaking to you that person is priceless to Him! Do what you know you were placed here to do no matter how many times you fall get up the race isn’t over until the trumpet sounds! I love you and I’m praying for you to hear His Voice and sing!


20 Minutes Of Chaos


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