Throw It Away


Life bent me over, tossed me under, and turned me upside down last year. The thing is that was still light and easy compared to a lot of people worldwide. I saw an even more horrible news story every time I genuinely thought I was at my latest unbearable twist. Goodbye 2020!!

The truth is if you’re reading this then like me we survived it and that is something to be grateful for. 

Spend a few minutes today acknowledging those feelings of disappointment discouragement sadness or anger that you felt. Got it in your mind? Great, write it on a separate piece of paper. 

Say this simple little statement out loud to God “Lord here please take this I don’t know what to do with it. I still haven’t reached a place of understanding why you allowed this to happen so I’m gonna give it back to you and just trust you. I’m gonna trust you to heal my heart trusts you to clear my mind trust you to help me move forward from here.” 

Now take that piece of paper and tear it up into as many tiny pieces as you can and throw it away. 

In your private time with God today read Psalm 107 in a different version meditate on it and give God thanks for taking the weight of discouragement or (whatever you wrote on that paper)away. Remember this is day 2 of thankfulness for everything nothing is too small to be grateful for. The goal of this part of our journey is to help us become consciously aware of all the things we do have. 

My brother Brian sent me this word of encouragement yesterday “God is always working on our behalf even we don’t see it.” 

I pray this actually helps you today remember if you have a special prayer request that you would like for me to come into agreement with you on sending it through the prayer request page here on the site.

Be blessed abundantly today my loves and I pray you to find joy in the little things.

Until tomorrow Peace


As Promised


Just When I Thought I Couldn’t Take Anymore