Let’s try this again
I know I’ve been missing from my own platform, but let’s try this again. This post begins my journey in posting consistent content. I have had a tendency to start a project and then relinquish the same project all within a tiny little window of supposed creativity. Yet the thing that makes this post different from my last is that I won’t stop posting when I fall into a depression. Instead, I will allow you to experience my faith journey openly like God called me to do when I first started this blog. This place is where someone else just like me may need to see how to simply continue to hold on to God when life feels like it’s just gotten to be too much. There I said it openly! Let’s take a journey, one where you see me allow God to fill my heart with words when I truly have no desire to say anything. It’s in this space that I discovered His Voice Is still Love.
Psalm 130:5 I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope.