Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Give Thanks
We’ve made it to day 6!
Allow me a moment to be transparent. This blog was placed on my heart by God to be a blessing to those who meet me here. I have struggled with wondering if I write will someone actually read it
Challenge Yourself
Day 5 of our introspective prayer journey
Challenge yourself to find time to continue to study and pray even after we are no longer doing this together. I am really enjoying meeting you guys here each day. For me, the challenge is to be here writing daily.
As Promised
Happy New Year!
As promised, let’s take a journey introspectively. Are you tired of feeling low sad depressed unmotivated unworthy empty? We will take an introspective journey for the next 21 days that if you seriously put in the effort you will gain more peace more focus more connectivity to yourself and God.
Throw It Away
Life bent me over, tossed me under, and turned me upside down last year. The thing is, that was still light and easy compared to a lot of people worldwide. I saw an even more horrible news story every time I genuinely thought I was at my latest unbearable twist. Goodbye 2020!!
Just When I Thought I Couldn’t Take Anymore
The last few months have been extremely exhausting. We are homeschooling and I am still focusing on releasing my book along with some other very exciting things! I can't wait to share everything with you! In the midst of all the excitement, Mom hasn't slept well for months now.
So Tired Of Crying
My life is so full of super exciting happy things going on right now! I mean I am finally living in my purpose! I have left fear doubt and unbelief in my past and I am pressing daily to accomplish my goals and dreams. Yet when I look into your eyes I find this blank lifeless stare. Where are you, Mommy?
Dear Louisville
Just in case you have forgotten and this constant violence shows you must have I am this little BABY who at one time Mommy and Daddy and Aunties and Uncles and Brothers and Sisters and Grandparents long-awaited. For 9 long months, someone somewhere anticipated my arrival. I know I know perhaps the scenario surrounding my arrival may or may not have been ideal but to someone somewhere, I promise you I mattered!